Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Esther 9 & 10

What stood out today: 9:2, 3, 10, 15, 16, 22, 10:3 v9:2 No one could stand against them because the people of all the other nationalities were afraid of them… v3 because fear of Mordecai had seized them. v10, 15, 16 but they did not lay their hands on the plunder. v22 day of feasting and joy, giving presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor. v10:3 Mordecai was second in rank, preeminent, held in high esteem because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of the Jews.

My response: Fear is a powerful thing in your hands, O God. It is an important principal in your kingdom – to fear you. Yet in your scriptures you write, “perfect love drives out all fear.”

I am struck by the compassion of the Jews even though they killed 500, 300, 75,000 men – enemies; three times you record they did not lay their hands on the plunder. Was this a way to care for the widows and orphans? And then as part of the celebration of Purim there are gifts for the poor. That is so you, God. The end of this book closes with Mordecai being revered because he led by serving. “He worked for the good of his people and spoke up for their welfare.” Jesus, you have worked for our good as an example and as our atoning sacrifice. Jesus, you continue to speak up on our behalf as our advocate, our great high priest before God, our Father. God, you are all through this book and yet your name is not printed. In a similar way your markers, your evidence, is all through this world even though for now we can’t see you with our eyes. Yet by your grace we have faith. A faith that gives eyes that see, ears that hear, hearts that understand. Thank you, Abba. Thank you, Spirit. I love you, Jesus.

1 comment:

Jailer said...

Great journal, Rick! Appreciate what you've put into it.
Ray Powell