What stood out today: 9:2, 3, 10, 15, 16, 22, 10:3 v9:2 No one could stand against them because the people of all the other nationalities were afraid of them… v3 because fear of Mordecai had seized them. v10, 15, 16 but they did not lay their hands on the plunder. v22 day of feasting and joy, giving presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor. v10:3 Mordecai was second in rank, preeminent, held in high esteem because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of the Jews.
My response: Fear is a powerful thing in your hands, O God. It is an important principal in your kingdom – to fear you. Yet in your scriptures you write, “perfect love drives out all fear.”
I am struck by the compassion of the Jews even though they killed 500, 300, 75,000 men – enemies; three times you record they did not lay their hands on the plunder. Was this a way to care for the widows and orphans? And then as part of the celebration of Purim there are gifts for the poor. That is so you, God. The end of this book closes with Mordecai being revered because he led by serving. “He worked for the good of his people and spoke up for their welfare.” Jesus, you have worked for our good as an example and as our atoning sacrifice. Jesus, you continue to speak up on our behalf as our advocate, our great high priest before God, our Father. God, you are all through this book and yet your name is not printed. In a similar way your markers, your evidence, is all through this world even though for now we can’t see you with our eyes. Yet by your grace we have faith. A faith that gives eyes that see, ears that hear, hearts that understand. Thank you, Abba. Thank you, Spirit. I love you, Jesus.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Esther 7 & 8
What stood out today: 8:4, 8, 17 v8:4 Then the king extended the gold scepter to Esther. v8 For no document written in the king’s name and sealed with his ring can be revoked. v17 And many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the had seized them.
My response: Jesus, I am struck by things happening a second time. Esther in v14 is risking her life a second time if the king is extending the gold scepter. In v8 it seems the first decree by Hamaan is revoked and a new document written and sealed. This reminds me of 2:19, “when the virgins were assembled a second time.” Jesus, I really like v16 & 17 – all the joy, celebration, gladness, honor, more joy, more gladness, feasting, celebrating. And the best part is many people of other nationalities became Jews, because “a fear” had seized them.
Father God, would you send a great fear of You over the land? Would you extend your gold scepter of grace that people of all nationalities would come and receive Life, even Eternal Life? Yes, Father, would you grant eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts that understand the truth that you alone are God and you are very, very good. I am looking forward to the party that goes forever.
My response: Jesus, I am struck by things happening a second time. Esther in v14 is risking her life a second time if the king is extending the gold scepter. In v8 it seems the first decree by Hamaan is revoked and a new document written and sealed. This reminds me of 2:19, “when the virgins were assembled a second time.” Jesus, I really like v16 & 17 – all the joy, celebration, gladness, honor, more joy, more gladness, feasting, celebrating. And the best part is many people of other nationalities became Jews, because “a fear” had seized them.
Father God, would you send a great fear of You over the land? Would you extend your gold scepter of grace that people of all nationalities would come and receive Life, even Eternal Life? Yes, Father, would you grant eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts that understand the truth that you alone are God and you are very, very good. I am looking forward to the party that goes forever.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Esther 5 & 6
What stood out today: 5:10, 6:6, 4:16 Never the less, Haman restrained himself and went home, calling together his friends and Zeresh, his wife. v6:6When Haman entered, the king asked him, “What should be done for the man the king delights to honor? v4:16 Go get together all the Jews who are in Susa and fast for me… I and my maids will fast as you do.
My response: Jesus, I am struck how Xerxes and Haman seek counsel from other people and how Esther seeks you and engages all the Jews in Susa to seek you and your counsel. And Esther, the star, moves forward with brilliance, holds two banquets, inviting Xerxes and Haman. And then in the middle of the night between the banquets, you keep Xerxes up and arrange for him to hear the story from your annals how Mordecai saved Xerxes’ life nine years earlier. God, if I am to be a man after your own heart, I need to seek you first. Just like in my life verse, Matthew 6:33, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well.” Jesus, thank you for winning my heart to a place that wants to please you, that wants to be at the center of your obedience, not at the fringes.
My response: Jesus, I am struck how Xerxes and Haman seek counsel from other people and how Esther seeks you and engages all the Jews in Susa to seek you and your counsel. And Esther, the star, moves forward with brilliance, holds two banquets, inviting Xerxes and Haman. And then in the middle of the night between the banquets, you keep Xerxes up and arrange for him to hear the story from your annals how Mordecai saved Xerxes’ life nine years earlier. God, if I am to be a man after your own heart, I need to seek you first. Just like in my life verse, Matthew 6:33, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well.” Jesus, thank you for winning my heart to a place that wants to please you, that wants to be at the center of your obedience, not at the fringes.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Esther 4
What stood out today: 4:11, 14 For any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned; the king has but one law: that he be put to death. The only exception to this is for the king to extend his gold scepter to him and spare his life. v14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?
My response: Jesus, again I am struck by what a different King you are. Xerxes says if anyone comes to him that has not been invited, they will die. You have invited all to come. And if they do come, they get eternal life and if they don’t come, they die.
Abba, you sit on your throne with your righteous arms extended, even Jesus, waiting for undeserving, unrighteous people to come and receive your mercy, your love, your life.
I am also struck by the depth and quality of relationships between Mordecai and Esther, Mordecai and the Jewish people. Esther trusts God with her life: in v 16, she says, “And if I perish, I perish.”
I am struck by the amount of submitting going on in this passage. In 4:2, Mordecai “went only as far as the king’s gate because no one in sackcloth was allowed.” Esther submitted to Mordecai and God and Xerxes by going to Xerxes when not summoned.
Abba, Mordecai and Esther displayed great courage, great faith. I am reminded of the statement, “that we don’t need more faith; we need more knowledge of the object of our faith.” Abba, thank you for revealing more of yourself to me through your scriptures. Thank you for this life that tests and tries our knowledge of you. Thank you that these tests are never to fail us but to show us and grow us, that we would have a faith that is mature and not lacking in anything.
My response: Jesus, again I am struck by what a different King you are. Xerxes says if anyone comes to him that has not been invited, they will die. You have invited all to come. And if they do come, they get eternal life and if they don’t come, they die.
Abba, you sit on your throne with your righteous arms extended, even Jesus, waiting for undeserving, unrighteous people to come and receive your mercy, your love, your life.
I am also struck by the depth and quality of relationships between Mordecai and Esther, Mordecai and the Jewish people. Esther trusts God with her life: in v 16, she says, “And if I perish, I perish.”
I am struck by the amount of submitting going on in this passage. In 4:2, Mordecai “went only as far as the king’s gate because no one in sackcloth was allowed.” Esther submitted to Mordecai and God and Xerxes by going to Xerxes when not summoned.
Abba, Mordecai and Esther displayed great courage, great faith. I am reminded of the statement, “that we don’t need more faith; we need more knowledge of the object of our faith.” Abba, thank you for revealing more of yourself to me through your scriptures. Thank you for this life that tests and tries our knowledge of you. Thank you that these tests are never to fail us but to show us and grow us, that we would have a faith that is mature and not lacking in anything.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Esther 3
What stood out today: 3:5, 17 When Haman saw that Mordecai would not kneel down or pay him honor, he was enraged. v7 In the twelfth year of king Xerxes…
My response: Abba, you are the only one worthy to be bowed down to and paid honor. As we seek that place, because of the sin nature in us, we cannot handle it; we were never created for it. It reminds me of the quote that, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Jesus, your ways of humility, love, and service are quite counter to our view of royalty and power. It’s hard for us to get our minds around your character and nature.
My response: Abba, you are the only one worthy to be bowed down to and paid honor. As we seek that place, because of the sin nature in us, we cannot handle it; we were never created for it. It reminds me of the quote that, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Jesus, your ways of humility, love, and service are quite counter to our view of royalty and power. It’s hard for us to get our minds around your character and nature.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Esther 2
What stood out today: 2: 7, 9, 15, 17 v7 Hadassah, also known as Esther. v9 Esther pleased Hegai and on his favor. v15 And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her. v17 and Esther won Xerxes favor and approval more than any of the other virgins.
My response: Jesus, I am curious. What does the name Hadassah mean? I am also struck by the third occasion of seven. There were seven eunuchs in 1:10 and seven nobles in 1:14 and seven maids in 2:9. Is this code language that you are present, the number seven being a number of perfection. Jesus, in doing some research it says Hadassah means Myrtle and Esther means star.
Esther, God made you rise to a high place of wisdom, courage, faith, and self-sacrifice. Hmmm. Jesus, is Esther the Christ figure in the book? Her only trait that doesn’t line up is her physical beauty. ;) It’s remarkable how she won everyone’s favor almost instantly. Jesus, I wish that were true for you in this world. Abba, it’s in your power to cause others to favor. Would you extend grace to others to find favor with Jesus in me? Would you extend your royal scepter that they might have life? It’s astounding to me that you let me participate in your work, that you grant me the favor of seeing you at work. Abba, would you also allow us to find favor in the eyes of our customers?
My response: Jesus, I am curious. What does the name Hadassah mean? I am also struck by the third occasion of seven. There were seven eunuchs in 1:10 and seven nobles in 1:14 and seven maids in 2:9. Is this code language that you are present, the number seven being a number of perfection. Jesus, in doing some research it says Hadassah means Myrtle and Esther means star.
Esther, God made you rise to a high place of wisdom, courage, faith, and self-sacrifice. Hmmm. Jesus, is Esther the Christ figure in the book? Her only trait that doesn’t line up is her physical beauty. ;) It’s remarkable how she won everyone’s favor almost instantly. Jesus, I wish that were true for you in this world. Abba, it’s in your power to cause others to favor. Would you extend grace to others to find favor with Jesus in me? Would you extend your royal scepter that they might have life? It’s astounding to me that you let me participate in your work, that you grant me the favor of seeing you at work. Abba, would you also allow us to find favor in the eyes of our customers?
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Esther 1
What stood out today: 1:4&5, 15, 22 v4 He gave a banquet for 180 days. v5 When these days were over the king gave a banquet lasting seven days, in the enclosed garden of the king’s palace for all the people from the least to the greatest. v15 According to Law, what must be done to Queen Vashti? v22 He sent dispatches to all parts of the kingdom…that every man should be ruler over his own household.
My response: Jesus, I am struck by the banquets. They make me think of your story about a king inviting everyone to a great banquet. It also makes me think that Xerxes could display his wealth and possessions for 180 days. You could spend eternity showing us your wealth, splendor, glory and majesty. These words make me think of 1 Chronicles 29:11, “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor for everything in heaven and earth is yours.” v 15, 22 are sad for me… Here is a marriage – a sacred covenant relationship that is the highest between people – a man and a woman; and the king asks about law. And in v22, that every man should be ruler in his own household. Xerxes so missed the love part, what a very great loss. Jesus, it seem you are bringing marriage into focus, with discussions yesterday with a friend about Ephesians 5, my wife, and another friend and his horrible divorce. Jesus, you are the ultimate husband. May I learn from you how you would have me love Nancy best, not like a ruling king, but as a serving, loving husband. As you teach me, would you allow me to show others. There is such a great need…
My response: Jesus, I am struck by the banquets. They make me think of your story about a king inviting everyone to a great banquet. It also makes me think that Xerxes could display his wealth and possessions for 180 days. You could spend eternity showing us your wealth, splendor, glory and majesty. These words make me think of 1 Chronicles 29:11, “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor for everything in heaven and earth is yours.” v 15, 22 are sad for me… Here is a marriage – a sacred covenant relationship that is the highest between people – a man and a woman; and the king asks about law. And in v22, that every man should be ruler in his own household. Xerxes so missed the love part, what a very great loss. Jesus, it seem you are bringing marriage into focus, with discussions yesterday with a friend about Ephesians 5, my wife, and another friend and his horrible divorce. Jesus, you are the ultimate husband. May I learn from you how you would have me love Nancy best, not like a ruling king, but as a serving, loving husband. As you teach me, would you allow me to show others. There is such a great need…
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Esther 1 - 10
What stood out today: v 6:1 That night the king could not sleep
My response: God, I am struck by your presence, your timing, your sovereignty. Indeed no where in this book are you named, yet you are all over and through this book. Your timing to disturb the king's sleep, directing him to this history about Mordecai right in the middle of Esther's banquets, is just masterful. I am greatly pleased and comforted by your sovereignty. I do not think your sovereignty is equal to our free choice. Just like your good is not equal to evil. God, you are great and you are good.
My response: God, I am struck by your presence, your timing, your sovereignty. Indeed no where in this book are you named, yet you are all over and through this book. Your timing to disturb the king's sleep, directing him to this history about Mordecai right in the middle of Esther's banquets, is just masterful. I am greatly pleased and comforted by your sovereignty. I do not think your sovereignty is equal to our free choice. Just like your good is not equal to evil. God, you are great and you are good.
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