What stood out today: v16:7 The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert…Where have you come from and where are you going? v13 You are the God who sees me for she said, I have now seen the One who sees me. v17:3 Abram fell face down and God said to him, As for me, this is my covenant with you…v10 The covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. v13 My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. v19 Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son. I will establish my covenant with him. v18:14 Is anything to hard/wonderful for the Lord?
My response: Jesus, are you the angel of the Lord? It seems that you are. It is like you to search out, to go after the oppressed, even Hagar. This seems so familiar to the woman at the well. Is it the same well? I love how you see and you reveal yourself. In your covenant with Abram you give land, a name, a reputation/renown, many offspring. Your request of Abram with circumcision is a strange one. Your blessing goes with the son of promise. Its your covenant, its your choice…
In chapter 18, you are so engaged, so involved, so initiating. You decide when; you come for a visit, you speak, you promise, you ask, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord? v17 Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? v19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just..”
And then the conversation about Sodom and Gomorrah. God you must have been so pleased with Abraham, the banter back and forth, his confidence in your character. Holy Spirit, would you give me such faith, such confidence? Hebrews 11:1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for, confident in what we do not see. Yes, Jesus, a faith that is more precious than pure gold.
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